

Welcome to ‘forage in the pantry’! This is my foodie sanctuary where I channel my obsession for great wholesome food, wine, cooking, food photography and styling into (I hope) an asthetically pleasing and mouthwatering read to inspire and delight even the most dedicated Domino’s lover….




A Wiltshire born foodie and wine lover with a passion for cooking. Having upped and fled to London, by day I graft in the wine industry, by evening in the kitchen. Oh and on cloud nine, as a food stylist…!? Like my fellow bloggers, food has taken over my life and as a dedicated foodie I love nothing more than a free day, a stocked pantry and a handful of hungry guests for dinner. I’ve been known to breeze away the longest of summer days out in the garden reading cookery books on a picnic blanket.


ood Philosphy – cooking from scratch


As a graduate from Bristol University with a degree in Physiology and Neuroscience I have a scientific background and a keen interest in nutrition and wholesome food. A healthy lifestyle is extremely important to me and in addition to being an obsessive runner and yogi, the aim of my recipes and cooking is to make sure the food I eat is wholesome and nutritious but ultimately delicious. This does often require the need for butter and lots of it. Don’t get me wrong, I am in no way a health freak (I work in the wine industry after all!)- nothing pleases me more than a cheeseboard and punchy Bordeaux red. Therefore, for me it is more important to eat wholesomely and to enjoy your food. I make as much of what I eat from scratch. With the tremendous array of health concerns from salt to sugar or fat to cholesterol what better way to ensure what you eat is nutritious than to make everything you eat. From the simple joys of bread to the virtuous delights of peanut butter! You are what you eat. One day I hope to look like a loaf of brioche….?



All photographs, writing and food styling are my own creations so if only here to browse and drool please continue. But if you’d like to get in touch about anything on my site then I always love to hear from fellow foodies, followers or wine lovers so please get in touch via my contact page.


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